
Not easy to lget an English teacher job in Korea with fake diploma

English teachers in Korea, Japan, Taiwan is one of easy way to experience foreign culture.

You can make good money (maybe not enough to buy your own airplane, but similiar as a FORTUNE 500 company, I guess) The job doesnot require very professional skill and you are not under heavy pressure. If you are white and from U.S then you are in high position at the salary negotiation table. Basically you need a university diploma (better with English Literature or English education major, but not necessarily) but you can make a fake diploma and nobody checks it.

That was the old story.

I am not sure about everything, but you should be careful about the one thing : Fake diploma doesnot work any more. Never dream of getting a teaching job with fake diploma. Fake diploma is very big issue in Korea now, and the English institute will check your diploma to your home school.

댓글 1개:

  1. I'm glad to read of this. I taught in Seoul in 2003 and I met other teachers with fake diplomas who didn't speak very well. It's a diservice to students to have badly educated cheaters teaching them.


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